My dear reader!
Thank you very much for reading my previous posts and this one as well.
I would like to invite all my readers to express their feedback on reading
this. If you want to stay, I can only say, that all your inner thoughts and
motives is not a secret even for people with extrasensory abilities, even more
so for Supreme being, well known for His omnipotence. So - be honest with
yourself - ho ahead and ask questions, share your experiences, just comment or
give some advice, how to write better. If you wish to stay anonymous in this, I
am not going to teach you, how to create some temporary identity - internet is
very welcoming in this regard. In this writing I will tell you things, what are
very der to me and even intimate, therefore this page is for very close friends. If you decide to share link to this, please make sure this is
your close friend and he will not take it lightly or with judging attitude.
People who are interested in finding their real self are very welcome.
Today I will introduce myself little bit more than you can find on Facebook,
shortly analyze, why I am writing this and last - what I am practicing. As a
storyline for this I will follow few points from second book from Old
Testament - Exodus. That is history, religious and ethical book, most common in
this part of the world. Exodus translates as "Names" or "Going
out" and finishes with commandments, given to Moses.
My life story, worthwhile telling starts almost 30 years ago, 20 years
before that has only few events I will tell. First memory in this life I have,
when I was 6 days old, looking and listening to train, bringing me from my
native town to Riga. My parents where bringing me to Valmiera region.
My fist experience with ancient India culture was at age of 5, when my
father was reading short retelling of Mahabharata in Latvian, compiled in short
First time I asked myself, why I am born in this particular family was
soon after that - probably at age of 6 or 7.
Most unforgettable experience of death came few years later, when giving
answer to my question: "What is happening after death?", my mother
answered: "You will be eaten by worms!". That day my usual walk to
school took 2 hours longer. Why after that I was still very optimistic, I will
tell you another time.
My first dreams of female temptation came soon after. That was
ending in the same way every time - I did put blanket over her, saying some
calming and kind words.
At age of 14 or so, seeing pilgrims walking towards Catholic holy church
in Aglona, I decided, that it is not proper to go there without baptizing
ritual. i went to river close by and performed it myself by submerging in
water. Nothing more interesting all school years.
There were interesting meetings I was attending during my first year in
Agricultural Academy in Jelgava. Some students, interested to find universal
laws came together and discussed any book or magazine even slightly giving hint
to that.
My attempt to find answers in Lutheran church Sunday school was no good,
I was asked to stop attending those gatherings, due too much and too
complicated questions.
Two years in Russian army went by with only one incident, when the
Praporschik was drinking blood with vodka from freshly killed pig. This was my
first step towards later tendency to not eat meat.
After army came period of Latvian folk song singing, out of them I liked
most the mentioning of God and his laws.
During year 1989 I met first devotee, selling books and magazines on the
street. That evening on the train I was singing mantras all the way from Riga
to Jelgava. Here i will put my biography in pause. it is getting late and I
want to touch other two pints.
This blog, called Bhakti Lata, translated as creeper of devotion, was
created some 10 years ago, bur was sitting empty. Now I am writing here again.
The main purpose is to share with others my search for my real self and how it
led me to the pint of becoming follower of teachings, descending from supreme
being Krishna. I also write for self-purification, since putting your thoughts
on paper results in better self analysis, as well as some serious readers may
get benefit.
I have to admit, that previous blog was directed to one very dear person
in my life and I see in myself desire, that these writings are also attract attention.
This time I want to go deeper and be more honest to myself and to my reader.
There is also unwanted desire of many followers, reading this writing. If in
some time it will not go away, I will reconsider to go on with this writing or
not. Last thing I have to be careful about - posing realizations and wisdom as
my own. Practically all ideas or words, worth following or listening are coming
from more pure persons or scriptures. If you find something interesting or
valuable, please give all credit to them. Without prolonged influence from
these pure courses I would not be able to write even line of sense making text.
Now about my practical application. i decided to spend minimum 2-3 hours
a day in prayers, meditating on Good's names. This is the conclusion I came to,
and more detailed backup of this outcome will probably follow.
As I promised, story today ends in commandments given to Moses by God.
1. You shall have no other gods
before Me.
2. You shall make no idols.
3. You shall not take the name of
the Lord your God in vain.
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
5. Honor your father and your
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false
witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet.
This is something for you to
meditate on till tomorrow.
Wishing you all deep and lasting happiness
Atmarama dasa.
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